Kids Map of Hazard Park April 2009

Kids Map of Hazard Park

Kids Map of Hazard Park

This is a sort of scavenger hunt map of Hazard Park. The park is in the eastern part of Los Angeles, near County USC Medical Center – sort of in between Boyle Heights and Lincoln Heights, so I am not sure what people there would call their neighborhood.

This map was commissioned by a group that’s working to restore a degraded streambed at the park. It was paid for by the Angeles Chapter of the Sierra Club. Many of the drawings were done out at the park, but most of the animals on it were done using references from books and/or the internet.

The map is more-or-less based on a similar Los Angeles River map I did a few years ago (not available on-line as far as I know.) That map is 11×14 inches two-sided; this one is only 1-sided 8.5×11 inches.

I plan to do a more in-depth blog entry about the campaign for stream restoration at Hazard Park, soon, on the L.A. Creek Freak blog.

5 responses to “Kids Map of Hazard Park April 2009

  1. Wow, way cool. More cartoon maps please!

  2. Pingback: Stream Restoration Planned at Hazard Park « L.A. Creek Freak

  3. Great job. Very R Crumb. Wish we could see bigger images.

  4. Ash from Toronto, Canada

    Excellent work on the map. For a moment I thought that it was done in way back 1900. May I know, which software you used to draw this map? Thanks. Ash

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